Zebra Maths

An Initiative by Anu Oruganti

An Initiative by Anu Oruganti

What’s with Maths & Zebras?

Maths is a seemingly a ‘Black & White’ and ‘1s and 0s’ subject with a clear Right & Wrong Calculation, akin to zebra stripes may appear black and white.  A continuum of black and white modelled from a Zebra’s skin could create an optical illusion or create a new reality. In reality, Zebra stripes are not just black or white, but a complex pattern of alternating stripes of varying thickness and darkness. The stripes are not just for decoration, but serve a functional purpose in helping the zebras to blend into their environment and avoid predators.

Its my belief that that Maths needs to be seen, understood and appreciated a subject beyond calculations, theorems, corollaries, or a starting point to enter a digital world.  It is important to note that mathematics, like any other field of study, is not just one thing. Different branches of mathematics: algebra, calculus, geometry, trigonometry, and statistics, each with their own unique features and applications. And just as there are different types of zebras with different stripe patterns, there are also different mathematical concepts and tools that can be used to solve different types of problems.

So, while the zebra stripes may appear as black and white, the beauty, the pattern, the complexity and the enigma truly capture the imagination needed to master mathematics – a diverse and dynamic field that involves a range of concepts and methods. My approach of "Zebra Maths" is an engaging way to teach advanced math concepts can involve several strategies and activities that appeal to different learning styles and interests.

What’s Zebra Maths?

Zebra Maths - A new approach to teaching involving several steps and strategies to create an engaging and effective learning experience for students. Zebra as a theme & inspiration for creativity, engagement, and hands-on learning. By making math more fun and memorable, "Zebra Maths" can help students develop a positive attitude towards math and build a solid foundation for future learning.

“Speed & Agility”